Christ’s University in Pacific was established in the year 2004 with it first name as known Lavengamalie Christian University and is situated in the Kingdom of Tonga. The Board of Governors agreed to change its name to Christ’s University in Pacific in 2014 and also re-located from Lavengamalie to the CBD of Tonga at Nuku’alofa in 2015. We are grateful for our rich heritage and strong Christian background, which supports the foundation of our university.
The King of Tonga, His Majesty King Tupou VI is the first and current Chancellor of CUP, and we believe that Christ’s University in Pacific has a very promising future.
The Founder, Distinguished Professor Liufau Vailea Saulala was the first Vice-Chancellor since 2004. The LORD called him to Heaven on the 19th of November 2020 and the Board of Governors appointed Dr. Vili Vailea Saulala as the current Vice-Chancellor of the University.
CUP University is a private, co-educational institution with a Christian philosophy of education. CUP University’s purpose is to provide students with a rigorous, challenging education that is firmly based in the Bible and inspires commitment to Christian service.
For your complete information, CUP University has received our Full Registration in 2018 from the Tonga National Qualification & Accreditation Board authority (TNQAB).
We are proud to say that we are the first locally registered and accredited University in the Kingdom of Tonga.
When you are a student at CUP University you can expect to enjoy several advantages:
We started in 2004 with only 2 general education programmes; Arts and Theolgy. At present, here are the academic programmes that we have offered:
In 2005, we awarded at our first Graduation only 1 qualification, Associate of Arts (AA). At present, we award these Academic Degrees from Level 4 up to Level 10:
IV. CUP GRADUATES 2005 - 2019
CUP graduation was started in 2005 and these are the number of students were graduate from each year.
Total number of 410 Graduates throughout these years.
NB.: There were no graduation ceremonies in 2017 and 2020 due to unavoidable external factors.
Year 2020 will be remember in the future because this was our first CUP Extension to set up at another location. Monday 9th of March, 2020 was the opening of the university's new branch in the beautiful Island of Vava'u. It started with the Foundation level courses and then progress along the years.
Dr. Vili Vailea Saulala (Acting Vice-Chancellor) and Paula Latapu (Registrar), along with the Superintendent Minister of the Tokaikolo Christian Church of Vava'u Rev Patelisi Mapapalangi and principal of Maama'anga Christian College, Mrs Senilaite Tatafu, attended the ceremony. The Director of CUP Vava'u Extension, Rev. Lopeti Kafa, was also present along with people from all over Vava'u who attended and witnessed this new stepping stone for CUP.
The opening of the new CUP campus in Vava'u marks the CUP second campus and it is an important accomplishment for us, in the hopes that it allows our students to access not only quality education but one that is Christ-centred and Bible-based.
Friday 12th of March, 2021 was the opening of the university's new branch in the beautiful Island of Ha'apai. It started with the Foundation level courses and then progress along the years.
The Governor of Ha'apai, Hon. Manuopangai Hingano was the Guest of Honour for the vital occassion. Parliament Representative, Hon. Mo'ale Finau, Dr. Vili Vailea Saulala (Vice-Chancellor), Mrs Kilisitina Saulala (Registrar), along with the Vice-Chairman of the Board Mr Sangster Saulala, Tokaikolo Church General Secretary Rev Fapuiaki Tatafu, Superintendent Minister of the Tokaikolo Church of Ha'apai Diocese Rev Faiva Paongo, Principal of 'Ofa Mo'oni Christian College, Mr. 'Aisea Lolohea, attended the ceremony. The Director of CUP Ha'apai Extension, Mr. Andrew Rodney Kava, was also present along with people from all over Ha'apai who attended and witnessed this new stepping stone for CUP.
The opening of the new CUP campus in Ha'apai marks the third CUP campus and it is an important accomplishment for us, in the hopes that it allows our students to access not only quality education but one that is Christ-centred and Bible-based.
CUP University is a 100% Tongan own university. CUP University is available for anyone (Local, Regional, and Global) to further it study in the tertiary academic field that have explained above.
We do thank the LORD that despite the humble beginning and slow start but the progress is steady and very encouraging. There is a very bright future for Christ’s University in Pacific!