(2004 - 2024)


Welcome to Christ’s University in Pacific, (CUP), Foundation Level!  To prepare you for a successful and fulfilling career, we offer and coordinate all the requirements for study foundation level program of fundamental English, Mathematics, Computer, and Bible. We look forward to assisting you and providing many opportunities to enhance your future career. As a Foundation Level student, you are advised to use this handbook, along with other important information sources, for guidance.  Official information sources include this Handbook, Class Schedule, and Undergraduate Calendar 2021. Regularly meeting with an academic advisor is a good way to stay informed.  


The purpose of the Foundation Level, is to provide students with the opportunity to develop their analytical thinking, problem-solving, computer skills, and communication skills that will prepare them as a stepping stone to succeed in either continue to undergraduate school or in a variety of careers in business, industry, government, or teaching.


Learning Outcomes: Successful complete the Foundation Level program will be able to;

  • Explain key concepts in the major areas of the Bible,
  • Apply established methods of problem solving in the major areas of fundamental mathematics,
  • Analyse concept utilise fundamental of critical thinking,
  • Exercise communication using the fundamental of English principles.
  • Perform and evaluate the task utilising the fundamental of computer skills.

Programme Analysis:

  • CUP University Foundation Level is equivalent to Form 7 in High School.
  • CUP University Foundation Level Accept Form 6 partial passing students.
  • CUP University Foundation Level Duration of Study is a 1 year programme (2 Semesters).
  • CUP University Foundation Level Course Layout:
    • Semester 1 = 3 General Education Courses plus 1 Bible course.
    • Semester 2 = 1 General Education Course plus 1 Bible course and 2 Major Courses.